
Sunday, December 17, 2006

Question of the week?

This weeks question of the week is, Who is one of the only actors or actresses to star in at least 15 Oscar nomination movies? comment me your answer and i'll answer this at the end of the week!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Endangered Animals

There are many endangered animals that dwell on Earth. Well what causes this? You may think it's pollution or environmental trouble, but it's actually us. We kill animals for food, clothes, and for sport. What can we do to stop this? Well we can start a group of protesters that are against killing endangered animals. I mean you can kill animals in time of neeed of food and shelter but not for sport. There is also the matter of the fact that we kill them for cloth and we have lots of clothes that aren't made from animals. You don't have to buy that kind of clothes and help thousands of animals around the world. Save Animals!!!!!!!!!

More info later...

Dynasty Street

Scroll on down to one of the top-rated games, Dynasty Street. It is a fun and fictional game where stick figures beat each other up. This awesomelicious game is really cool. So STICK around!!!

Friday, October 20, 2006

Jumping Fleas

Do you know how high fleas can jump? They can actually jump 130 times higher than their own hight. So that's like saying a person who's 6ft. can jump 780ft. in the air.